Book 2 in the Legendary Kingdoms RPG gamebook series. An epic, choose-your-own adventure style gamebook set in a sandbox fantasy world.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Wet copies have arrived to Scotland
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 09:44:00 AM
Just a quick update to let you all know that the wet copies (samples) of the book, character sheets, maps & postcards have arrived for Jon & Oliver to check over.
We are waiting on the samples of all three Adventurers Packs and we will post pics once they have arrived.
As soon as all assets have been signed off, we will commence the print run and we will keep you posted on this
Full colour samples of the book and all art work
Book 3 Kickstarter Launches - Pirates of the Splintered Isles
almost 3 years ago
– Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 10:01:11 AM
With fulfilment almost complete for this campaign, we are delighted to bring you Pirates of the Splintered Isles, book 3 in our Legendary Kingdoms Series.
Click below to be taken to the new campaign.
Backers Still Waiting for Tracking Numbers
For some of our backers, those who split their shipping to receive Book 1 early, there is a small technical issue with Backer Kit. The pledge has already been closed and shown as completed in order to ship the first half of the books. We now have to reverse the 'completed' status and will have the new tracking numbers up as soon as we can, please bear with us. This does not impact on when the books were sent in the post and so some folk may have already received the second half without the new tracking numbers.
Overseas Backers
As was mentioned in previous updates, tracking for overseas backers may only begin when the parcel finally arrives in the destination country. This may take a week or so and we have no control over how long the parcel stays in the hands of customs at the destination port. Please give your package a good week or so for it to fly from the US, land and be cleared by customs as this usually takes time. Thank you also for all your patience.
The biggest thanks has to go to all of you for supporting us. We really look forward to welcoming you all in our campaign for Book 3 - The Pirates of the Splintered Isles.
Good luck adventurers,
Jon & Oliver
And the Spidermind Team
Two Exciting Bits of News
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 04:09:13 PM
Hey folks,
So, we have two bits of great news to share...
1) The final mile fulfilment has begun. Tracking has been issued for around half of all backers, with the remainder being done tomorrow and Wednesday (7th-8th June). The warehouse tells us that just over 1,000 books were posted yesterday (Monday 6th June), so with a fair wind and no interruptions all the books should be out by the end of the week.
International backers please note that whilst your tracking number may be issued, it may take a while for the number to go live i.e. begin showing movement, as the scan often occurs halfway through the parcel's journey.
2) Following on from the great time Becca Scott and her team had in the live play through of Book 1, last year; ok so it was a total party kill but it was still fun! She is back with the same elite team to embark on an adventure on the high seas this evening (Tuesday 7th June, 12 midday PST / 8pm BST)
See you there and thanks again for all your support,
Jon & Oliver
And the Spidermind Games Team
The Eagle Has Landed...
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, May 13, 2022 at 03:03:00 AM
Good news folks, the speedy delivery that our super star logistics chap in Canada found us, was in fact speedy!!
The books are in Long Beach. Hoorah
As you know, this is not the end of their road, but they are due to be delivered into our fulfilment centre (CRWN Studios) by the end of this week.
What will happen next is that space will be made to accommodate all the books, they will be unpacked and then re-packed into your parcels and labels will be printed.
A couple of things to note here:
º The fulfillment centre issue your labels at a faster rate than the couriers tend to collect the parcels. As a label is raised a tracking number is issued. The tracking numbers you are issued with are from CRWN Studios and begin with CRW and end in a 1. The link for tracking this number (in case you don't receive a hyperlink) is here. This is not the final tracking number and will be updated on the system as the local couriers scan the parcels. Movement on the tracking link begins when this next stage occurs which is the courier collecting / scanning the label.
In the event of overseas deliveries, the labels are created and then the packages are pallatised in groups, depending on final destination. We use FedEx Cross Border in most instances and movement will begin when these parcels are scanned by FedEx. In some cases the scanning process does not occur until the parcel has reached it's desitination country.
In short, please do not be alarmed if you see a tracking number that does not move for awhile.
º Shipping is still not OK right now and delays are likely. We understand this is annoying as receiving a tracking number gives the impression that your books are on their way, which they will be, but it might be slow and is completely out of our hands.
º Once you receive a tracking number we cannot change your address. We pay in full for the shipping the second your label is generated and feel that we have provided enough updates to have enabled you to change your address before we post your parcel. This is a final call for address changes (email [email protected])
We obviously have no problem answering emails or comments but please be mindful that if you have a tracking number, then your parcel IS being sent and this isn't some ruse. We will update you when 'final mile' shipping has commenced
Thank you
Jon & Oliver
and the Spidermind Games team
The books are on the water!!
almost 3 years ago
– Sun, May 01, 2022 at 05:42:53 AM
The update we've all been waiting for ...
The Matson Hawaii, loaded up with Legendary Kingdoms books set sail yesterday from Shanghai and its ETA into Long Beach is May 10th. There will then be a week or two of customs clearance, a truck ride to Clackamas in Portland and THEN you will start to receive your tracking numbers.
If you click through and then go to 'show on live map' you'll be able to follow the boat's journey and also appreciate the staggering amount of boats that are out there
We will continue to keep you updated as we understand not everyone has time to stare at a dot moving slowly across the ocean and of course any questions or comments are welcome as always
If you've yet to get your free sample of Book 3, Pirates of the Splintered Isles please register here for news on the next Kickstarter